FILTEC Rain Water Filter

High flow filter system designed for sediment removal when harvesting rainwater.

FILTEC Rainwater UV system Small – Medium Home

The FILTEC high flow UV disinfection system with pre-filtration is designed to disinfect rainwater for small to medium size homes.

FILTEC Town Water Filter

If taste and odour are an issue with your town water, this home water filter is a solution.

FILTEC Water Softener

With a FILTEC Water Softener you no longer have to put up with the problems caused by a hard or iron* tainted water supply.

Filtatank Triple ‘Free-Standing’ Rainwater Filtration System with UV

Triple 20″ x 4.5″ Whole House Rainwater Filter Systems remove unwanted sediment.

Filtatank Triple ‘Free-Standing’ Rainwater Filtration System with UV

Triple 20″ x 4.5″ Whole House Rainwater Filter Systems remove unwanted sediment

Filtatank Triple ‘Free-Standing’ Rainwater Filtration with UV + 78LPM Pump

Triple 20″ x 4.5″ Whole House Rainwater Filter Systems remove unwanted sediment.